Home » Wedding table decorations » Where To Find Artificial Blooms For Glamour

Where To Find Artificial Blooms For Glamour

A wedding would be a much less glamorous affair if flowers do not play a big part.  Of course, decorations are always very expensive and, especially in the summer months, it has always posed a real headache in the past to keep them looking their best on the great day.

Problems have been solved nowadays with the advent of wedding decorations and wedding table decorations made out of silk.  These are almost indistinguishable from the real blooms, especially from a distance.  I have seen many a person feeling the petals to ascertain whether they were freshly cut or not.  If people have to do this you know you have succeeded in buying the right artificial ones.

wedding table
Fresh flowers and their artificial counterparts are always a real expense, so it would be a terrible shame if you scooped them in the bin after the event is over.  You should save the artificial ones and try and make arrangements for your home and the homes of your friends.  Alternatively you can make little things out of them to give as a keepsake to the various people that have helped you to organise things.

Table decorations can be as ornate as you wish them to be.  It is a nice idea to have a centre piece on every table, surrounded by a few candles perhaps.  Alternatively you can have candles standing in a bowl of petals.  There are endless possibilities to play around with.

If you are going to place vases on all the tables you should ensure that they are tall enough for people to be able to talk to each other or small enough so that the faces at the other end are not obscured.
Of course other venues other than the dining areas have to be decorated too, such as the church or other place where the ceremony is to be held.  It would be a nice touch to decorate the ends of the pews with flowers and ribbons.  Perhaps your budget will stretch to an altar piece too.

If your expenses run away with themselves, perhaps it is an idea to make all the flower arrangements yourself.  You will need an awful lot of flowers of varying heights.  However, if you buy artificial flowers, your retailer, either in the high street or on-line, will be able to suggest appropriate colours and blooms.

On the internet there are many suggestions on how to go about assembling all kinds of bouquets and centre pieces, as well as many other unique ideas to make your tables better than any other.  It would help if you have a theme in mind; it will make your and your florist’s task much easier.

It will also be a great help to you to have a look at your chosen venue.  What is the interior like?  Is it carpeted and if so is it a plain carpet.  All these things need to be taken into consideration when you choose your colour scheme.  You may have to provide all tableware so that is another point to consider.

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